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14 members of the Sagamihara Oyama District Residents' Federation visited Gonda Metal
On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 14 members of the Sagamihara Oyama District Residents' Federation, where our factory is located, visited us as a part of this year's inspection workshop.
After explaining the company profile by slide, we lead them for a factory tour divided in three groups.
They saw the process of manufacturing our products and they showed very strong interest in uses of the products. 
In the Q & A session, they seemed to be interested in the power of equipment in the process, as well as questions regarding safety, measures against the heat, and electric vehicles used in the factory.
"We drove in front of your company every day, but we did not know what was manufactured in there.  We were very glad to have an opportunity to visit your company this time."  They said.
At the end of that tour, a commemorative photo was taken in front of the statue of Tozaburo Gonda, the first president.
We think it was a good opportunity to introduce our company and to interact with main people in the community activities.
Explanation of company profile by slide
Factory tour in 3 groups
A commemorative photo in front of the statue of Tozaburo Gonda
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